Sunday, April 19

The Poem I Almost Did Not Write

I have been privileged to know people in real life who write better poetry than I do. This was written by my friend Laura and published in our college's literary magazine. It is still teaching me what good poetry is.

The Poem I Almost Did Not Write
by Laura P.

they hold lightbulbs high above their heads—
(they are the lovers, you know)
the glass is for how fragile, how intimately close
to dropping, dashing, smashing
against any surface, really, any one they choose,
and the light, of course, is the energy,
no matter which numbers and symbols
they use to measure its vigor,
but also (just below the surface, mind)
there is the intellectual tap dance
working to a frenzy all the thoughts they thought,
all the miles they paced and the daring adventures
love called them to in their minds
as they fell into each other’s arms
and let the lightbulbs shatter on the ground.

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