Wednesday, February 3

That Morning You Have To Get Up








That Morning You Have To Get Up

And that morning you have to get up
after the adrenaline and the cortisol have drained 
and your mind has dropped the gun it was holding to your body 
and you have to leave the blankets 
and you have to eat 
and drive and answer questions and be looked at… 

Notice the empty chair they saved for you 
and quietly take it. 
Let them talk around you for a while. 
Let their attention approach you gently; 
take their oblivion as a blessing. 
Trust that you are expected. 

You may not get everything you want— 
one of them looking deeply into your eyes, 
another squeezing your shoulder— 
but sometimes all you have to do 
is rest in the place that is yours 
to get what you need.
