Sunday, November 20

Midnight Gladness

Midnight Gladness
by Denise Levertov
"Peace be upon each thing my eye takes in,
Upon each thing my mouth takes in." --Carmina Gadelica

The pleated lampshade, slightly askew,
dust a silverish muting of the lamp's fake brass.
My sock-monkey on the pillow, tail and limbs asprawl,
weary after a day of watching sunlight
prowl the house like a wolf.
Gleams of water in my bedside glass.
Miraculous water, so peacefully
waiting to be consumed.

The day's crowding arrived
at this abundant stillness. Each thing
given to the eye before sleep, and water
at my lips before darkness. Gift after gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so you're the one who took that book out of the library... i see how it is. -lw